Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kirby's Dream Land 3 (1997/Super NES/Wii Virtual Consle/Avalible on Kirby's Dream Collection)

Kirby's Dream Land 3

Wii Shop Price: 800 Wii Points ($8.00)

Kirby's Dream Land 3 is a fun game that lets you do multiplayer 2 player mode, and animal friend that help the player become stronger.

Rating Concerns and Blood Scenes

Although Kirby's Dream Land 3 is rated E, there are some rating concerns that I'd like to talk about. This is for some of you parents and guardians out there that want to protect their kids. Kirby's Dream Land 3 is rated E, so you should be fine. But, if you get all the Heart Stars, (those are these stars that you can collect in the game,) you go to a secret world and you find out that the final world that you fought Dedede (a villain in the game,) in, really isn't the final world. You fight a villain named Dark Matter, that a horrible gruesome villain named Zero and when defeat him, his eyeball pops out and gruesome blood is splatted across his dang face. It's a very gruesome moment and I can't believe that ESRB didn't catch this, but once in a while you'll realize that once in a while, they don't catch something. In my opinion...I'm a huge fan of the Kirby series so it's hard to say this...this game should be rated T.